A Note from Shelby

Through my worldview as a Catholic Christian, I recognize the dignity and goodness of every human life—regardless of body size, shape, or function. Given this theological understanding of bodies, my approach to nutrition and health often starkly contrasts the ‘health’ messages promoted in our culture.

This means that…

  • I respect the natural diversity of body shapes and sizes

  • I acknowledge that physical, emotional, and mental well-being are all important

  • I reject the distorted message that our worth is found in our appearance, weight, or even health

While my approach is backed by my spirituality, it is also overwhelmingly supported by evidence-based research. (Click here to see some of my recommended resources).

As a Nutrition Therapist, I specialize in intuitive eating, body acceptance, and recovery from chronic dieting and disordered eating. My philosophy is rooted in the Health at Every Size (HAES®) approach, as I acknowledge that true wellness is supported by health-promoting behaviors, not rigid food/exercise rules or even a certain number on the scale.

​It brings me great joy to support individuals as they do the hard and important work of restoring peace and wellness within their life; if you think that you could benefit from nutrition counseling with me, I would be honored to journey alongside you as you seek to be fully alive in your good body.

Pax Christi,


Let’s Work Together

Good Body Nutrition offers compassionate, individualized nutrition care to help you find a peaceful relationship with food and your body.